Department of ENT


Department of ENT | Overview

Under graduate seminars are conducted twice in a month. PG seminars are conducted thrice weekly. Theory assessment tests for PGs are done on a regular basis. Journal clubs are conducted. Thesis review is done routinely. Temporal bone dissections are regularly done by PGs under guidance of faculties. Publications in indexed journals are done by faculties and postgraduates.

Postgraduates are sent for hands on and live surgical workshops elsewhere also State, national and international conferences are attended by faculties and PGs. Paper and poster presentations are done by PGs. There is an audiology section to cater to hearing impaired.  It has an allied speech therapy. Procedures such as flexible Nasopharyngoscopy, Bronchoscopy and flexible oesohagoscopy. Major operations are done using Zeiss microscope

Our Vision

  • Regional Centre of Excellence in next 5 years
  • Field of Otorhinolaryngology  in  clinical care in this part of the country

Our Mission

  • Comprehensive clinical care to every patient with needs in the field of Otorhinolaryngology.
  • Department provides  - Comprehensive diagnostics and therapy 0f  Ear, Nose, Throat, Head & Neck diseases – Both adults & children. 

Objectives of the Department

  • To have a team of highly trained & dedicated staff focused Providing - Best patient care in our fields of expertise
  • Technical skills - Provide effective, appropriate, efficient, cost-effective & compassionate patient care
  • Knowledge base, clinical acumen and self-education skills necessary for effective head & neck surgery.
  • Interpersonal  skills necessary for effective   participation in a multidisciplinary care team.
  • Ensuring high quality care through the education of students, CRRI’S, Residents & Staff



Accredited by NAAC

Recognised by MCI

Pre Accredited by NABH

Accredited by TMC

UGC Recognised